Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Management Lesson 1

Here I would like to share my experience with corporate world.

We are working on a big project right now and as usual there are too many cooks in this project. Everyone is trying to cook different things in the same pan. Well that is the common issue and people resolves it by time. I am not too much concerned about it.

But for project management we are following Agile methodology which in real used to create discipline but from my experience people here do not understand the meaning of agile. In Agile product owners should contact team everyday for 10 to 15 minutes but they are bothering team members frequently like 3-4 times a day. It has created lack of trust among team members and every one has started playing blame games. People have immaturely started making fun of things.

But I decided to get everyone out of this mess. To do that I am going to follow some steps.

1. When replying to email write one or two energetic and/or positive sentences. When you feel lack of trust in the team think twice before stating anything or sending email.

2. Provide simple and effective solution strategies for current problems.

3. Show responsibility for problems and transmit a message passively to the team that "They should do the same".

4. Avoid discussing too much about issues and pass only those information which you think is necessary for some one to know. This will increase team's productivity a lot.

5. Try to feed something twice a week to management so they would realize that we are working on something. It is similar to divide 2 full meals in 6 small meals. The quantity of food remains same but the frequency of feeding is more.

6. Go for a jog or run everyday, meet new people. That will keep you isolated from negative environment in the Office and will keep your positive drive as it is.

7. Never QUIT. No matter how worst the situation becomes do not loss faith in yourself, be confident, take responsibility, keep your mind cool. Prepare your self for the worst.

8. You definitely do not want to play any games. But Make sure to avoid yourself from, I would say corporate traps as well. Do not initiate or fall in to any conversation with the one who you think is playing Game. Limit conversation up to email only to such a people.

9. Lastly like sang in Indian Holy book "The Geeta", Concentrate on your job and do the things without expecting any fruits from it.

Let's see how these strategies would help and how fast I would be able to resolve this thing in my office. I will provide my results as a comment to this blog later.

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